Friday, March 19, 2010

America must stand tall ....

If there was ever a time in the history of the greatest country of the world to stand tall that time is now. The great Republic of America has been under attack for a great number of years now and things appear to be getting worse every day.

Elected officials are no longer serving the people they are supposed to represent but appear to be worshiping Owebama. What has this pretender done for America but increased the lever of debt at a rate that has never been seen in any country. If one needs to ask why then you have not been following what is going on in America.

There has never been a time when America has needed her people more than she does now to stand up for her Republic. A call has been made to go to Washington this Saturday and meet at noon to protest the bill. For those of you who are discouraged I beg you to reach down into the very depths of your heart and soul and go for the good of your country.

For those who believe it will not make a difference I urge you to know that if the streets are filled with angry protestors YOUR VOICES IN UNISON WILL BE HEARD. They were heard the first time this took place but made light of. You were not considered a serious opposition to what was taking place but you stopped it then in its tracks. You need to go for your lady liberty again.

For those of you who have phoned and faxed and emailed and think it is all for not think again. Every effort made to try and stop this injustice is as good as a bullet shot from a gun. It is a peaceful way of telling those who think they hold all the power that they are wrong. YOU hold the power. YOU the people of America hold all the cards as to what will happen and do not listen to the naysayers. DO NOT GIVE UP.

America is worth everything you can do for it now and it needs you to be there for her. Take from a Canadian who made a mistake many years ago and elected a government who promised real change. We are so screwed now my own grandfather would not recognize a country he helped shape.

Stand tall and stand together for your country America. Do it peacefully but please go to Washington on Saturday. Answer the call once more for your country and tell Owebama what he can do with his attempt to take over one sixth of your country.

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