Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why the rest of the free world should care about ....

America ....

I am often asked why I care so much about what is taking place in America. Twenty years ago I did not actually give a rats arse what happened there. I loved my neighbour but I was raising a healthy family, living life and had no bloody idea how to turn a computer on let alone use it ....

Calmer days and different priorities, interests but most of all education. It was not until 911 that I really started paying attention to all things American. My heart broke for all free nations in the world that day because so much was lost to all of us even if we did not realize it at the time. Most of all my heart broke for America because the innocent people who died that day did not deserve what happened to them. That was an act of war. That was an act of terrorism. THAT was an act of evil.

If you do not live in North America pehaps you did not feel the pain as deeply as all of those of us who do live here did. Perhaps you did not feel the shock and the disbelief and the pain? Perhaps you did not cry long and hard about the stories of the families who were looking for their loved ones. Perhaps you were so far removed from it you did not have the ability to feel our pain? It is the only explanation I can think of for why I am constantly being questioned about my passion regarding America.

Worse than that perhaps you have been one of those who has been unable to forgive America for past mistakes. Japan has been forgiven. Germany has been forgiven but America remains the scapegoat of everything the world like to hate. They do nothing right. Are the 'EVIL EMPIRE'. Cause all the problems in the world and even though my country is their largest supplier of oil of gas - everything they do is always about oil and gas. Yes folks, CANADA is the biggest supplier to America of what keeps them ticking and we have lots of it. Now, the pipeline that is going to be built, negotiated by Governor Sarah Palin between the state of Alaka and my country will continue to ensure America's independace. Have heard Owebama is trying to stop the whole thing. That could be why my Prime Minister things he is an arse I guess.

It was well after 911 happened that I retired and learned how to use a computer and connect with the world. It was then I started to realized how few people living in free countries actually understand that there is only one reason we are all still 'free' today. That reason is America. Deny it if you like but it is true. England can stand alone - so I congratulate you on that point James but what kind of defense do the rest of us have against the evil that is trying to take over the world? Israel, small as it is also has the ability to mount a good defense. But what about the rest of us?

France? Cyprus? Greece? Canada? Australia? Germany - how about that army of yours eh? Japan? What are your military capabilities like? Do not know about the rest of you but here in Canada we have a great military. Well trained, under equipped and very small in numbers. Eroded at the expense of all of our social programs, our cost of living or things we did in the past that were so damn evil we were disarmed by the rest of the free world.

So here we are. Unable to fight our way out of the weakest paper bag or defend ourselves against the likes of China, Russia and other countries who really hate our democracies (socialized as some of us are). They really hate the freedoms we enjoy, our way of life period.

Like it or not we all have been living under the protective wing of the United States of America for a very long time now. 

As goes America, so goes the rest of the democratic world.

They have been an excellent neighbour and friend to my country and I am talking about the American people. Not necessarily their government. I do not see them as perfect but which of us in our own countries can say that we are?

So why do I care? Because as goes America so goes the rest of the free world. 

That is just my personal opinion but I have to wonder when I read stories like the one I just posted below about what is going on right now in America, I have to wonder what the hell is going to happen to the rest of us if they fall.

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